Forgiveness can touch upon even the smallest inconveniences, like missing out on doing your laundry as you had promised yourself after days of procrastination. It can also involve the more challenging task of forgiving yourself for accepting abusive behavior from those around you, or even harder still, for recognizing moments when you may have been abusive.
The beauty of forgiveness is that it’s something we should carry with us always.
How could you go about your life without it? How could you wake up each day knowing that you’re holding yourself hostage to your past actions, replaying old words and painful memories in your mind day in and day out?
So, choose to forgive yourself, again and again, as many times needed and at the same time strive to improve.
Extend forgiveness to the self and grant permission to make mistakes as you continue to learn from them.
“I forgive myself, and I’m committed to aligning my intentions with my actions to the best of my ability.”
Nuné and Jordy