KaleidHERscope – Episode 20: Editor and translator Maia Tabet on how being a global nomad shaped her identity (2/4/2024)

Editor and translator Maia Tabet speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about being a global nomad and how it helped her recognize her true identity, about her love of languages and words, about Cyprus and about the horror of the situation in Palestine now

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Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 8: Road safety scientist and expert, helping to save lives, meet Iasonas Senekkis (25/3/2024)

In the 8th episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Iasonas Senekkis. Iasonas is a scientist focusing on road safety and is currently working with the European University Cyprus’ CERIDES. He has worked as the road safety adviser to the Cyprus Minister of Justice and Public Order and has extensive experience collaborating and sharing best practice with experts from Melbourne’s Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), Australia’s Transport Accident Commission (TAC), the World Health Organisation and with the Municipality of Nîmes in southern France.

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Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 47: Kırmızı halıda yürüyenler (17/3/2024)

Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykallı ve Sertaç Sonan'dan oluşan Garip Zamanlar ekibi bu bölümde 2024 Oscar ödüllerini, aday olan ve kazanan filmleri, oyuncuları, yönetmenleri konuştular. Edebiyata ve romanlara daldılar, Kafka'yı ve Marquez'i tartıştılar. Dünya siyasetindeki popülizmi, Amerikan seçimlerini, Amerika'nın Tiktok'a yaptığı son çağrıyı incelediler. Elektrikli araçlardan, yapay zekadan ve Elon Musk'tan bahsettiler.

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Figure It – Episode 13: Things you didn’t know about UNFICYP (7/3/2024)

In this 13th episode of Figure It  Sapienta Economics Director Fiona Mullen talks to James Ker-Lindsay, Visiting Professor at the University of Kent, Research Associate at LSE and producer of the popular conflict/international relations YouTube channel called “Prof James Ker-Lindsay”, to discuss some little known facts about UNFICYP - the UN peacekeeping mission in Cyprus that commemorated its 60th anniversary on 3 March. Prof Ker-Lindsay started his career researching how UNFICYP came into being and explains how it nearly didn’t happen.

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 53: Special guest Fiona Mullen: How can we revitalize the solution process ? (6/3/2023)

In this episode of Nicosia Uncut; Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli host Fiona Mullen, Director of Sapienta Economics and the producer of Figure It podcast. Fiona has been studying, advising and in the past working on the Cyprus settlement process for more than two decades now. In this episode, they discuss what needs to be done to revitalize the Cyprus peace process, the challenges of new envoy Maria Holguin Cuellar is facing and why the international community needs to get involved to support the process. Fiona suggests that existing structures and parameters of the process have certain challenges which…

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KaleidHERscope – Episode 19: Ioli Orphanides & Nicos Middleton: Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care – RESPECT project (1/3/2024)

Within the context of the ‘RESPECT - Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC): Enhancing Provider-Client Shared Decision Making and Informed Choice’ project, Ioli Orphanides Spokesperson on RMC & Nicos Middleton, Principal Investigator & Scientific Coordinator of the project, speak to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope podcast about the overall objective of this project, what Respectful Maternity Care actually means, the methodology used and expected deliverables. This project was co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education…

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 19: Ioli Orphanides & Nicos Middleton: Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care – RESPECT project (1/3/2024)

Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 7: Human rights & gender equality activist, first female leader of a major Turkish Cypriot party, meet Mine Atlı (28/2/2024)

Cyprus is filled with big hearts and big emotions - a hot, sleepy island, with hot tempers! On the surface it looks 'normal', but below the surface are many layers, filled with history - both beautiful and painful. An island full of amazing people, with incredible stories, doing amazing things. Join social and political analyst Costa Constanti to meet Cyprus and those who live there. In the 7th episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Mine Atlı, a human rights defender, lawyer and gender equality advocate. She was the first female leader of a major Turkish Cypriot political party, all…

Continue ReadingTerra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 7: Human rights & gender equality activist, first female leader of a major Turkish Cypriot party, meet Mine Atlı (28/2/2024)

Figure It – Episode 12 (Energy Series 3) What does ENI’s latest gas discovery offshore Cyprus actually mean? (22/2/2024)

In this 12th episode of Figure It and the third in a series of episodes devoted to energy, Sapienta Economics Director Fiona Mullen talks to Peter Stevenson, East Mediterranean Editor at the specialist oil and gas publication, Middle East Economic Survey (MEES). They discuss the announcement made on 15 February by the Italian oil and gas company, ENI, about its natural gas discovery in the Cronos reserve of the Republic of Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). What did the rather technical announcement mean? And can we expect natural gas to be exported from there by late 2026 or early 2027, as…

Continue ReadingFigure It – Episode 12 (Energy Series 3) What does ENI’s latest gas discovery offshore Cyprus actually mean? (22/2/2024)

Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 46: Yeni bir çağın eşiğinde (20/2/2024)

Garip Zamanlar podcastın bu bölümünde Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykalli ve Sertaç Sonan, teknolojik gelişmeleri, yapay zekayı, Varufakis'in aktarımıyla tarihin geldiği aşamayı, Batı değerlerini, distopik bir çağın içinde Çin'i, Rusya'yı, Amerika'yı, küreselleşmeyi; sinemada BAFTA ödüllerini, yaz insanı kış insanı ikilemini konuştular.

Continue ReadingGarip Zamanlar – Bölüm 46: Yeni bir çağın eşiğinde (20/2/2024)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 18: Susana Malcorra of GWL Voices for Change & Inclusion on why gender equality is imperative at UN level (20/2/2024)

Susana Malcorra, president and cofounder of GWL Voices for Change and Inclusion, former Argentinian foreign minister, Chief of Staff for UN SG Ban ki Moon and Co-Chair of the Crisis Group speaks on kaleidHERscope about how and why GWL Voices is gathering support from countries and leaders and committed to achieving equality and working towards ensuring that UN member states appoint the first-ever Madam Secretary-General and having women in the Presidency of the UN General Assembly. For more information about the ‘Madam Secretary-General’ and other campaigns, click here https://gwlvoices.com/

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 18: Susana Malcorra of GWL Voices for Change & Inclusion on why gender equality is imperative at UN level (20/2/2024)