Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 5: Young, cool, innovative, witty – he’s an artist & a father: Meet Dimitrios Ikonomou (20/12/2023)

In the fifth episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Dimitrios Ikonomou. He grew up bouncing around Europe and North America, before finally settling back in Cyprus. Home is where the heart is for Dimitrios, and that heart belongs to his daughter. As a father he navigates the questions of life and continues to be an innovative, creative and active civilian. He’s working on some really cool Green Line / Buffer Zone innovative outreach projects and is quite the ‘tipster’ (tech hipster).

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Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 44: Ödülü kim kazandı? (10/12/2023)

Bir kere baştan söyleyelim. Çok keyifli bir program oldu. Melankoliye de değinildi ama nice keyifli anılarla birlikte ruh hallerinden sinemaya, Garip Zamanlar'ın eski bölümlerinden 2023 değerlendirmesine program su gibi aktı geçti. Programa damgasını vuran polemik ise 2023 yılının Booker ödülünü kimin kazandığı tartışmasıydı. Sonuç olarak ödülün hem Booker ödülü hem de Uluslararası Booker ödülü olarak iki farkli kategoride verildiği ortaya çıktı. 2014'te Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykallı ve Sertaç Sonan'la başlayan Garip Zamanlar yolculuğu 10'unucu sene-i devriyesine bir ay daha yaklaşmış oldu.

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KaleidHERscope – Episode 12: 16 days of activism against gender-based violence – Mine Atlı & Susana Pavlou (10/12/2023)

Within the context of the 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, kaleidHERscope speaks with Susana Pavlou, Director of MIGS and Mine Atli, Project Coordinator at KAYAD about the link between custody cases, violence against women and violence against children and about raising awareness about the red flags of abusive relationships - kindly sponsored by the EU through the WAVE Regranting 2023 programme.

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 51: Is there light at the end of the tunnel? (10/12/2023)

Turkish-Greek reapproachment, appointment of a new envoy for Cyprus talks, ongoing failure of the international community to address burning issues in the world and establishment of a new political party in Cyprus. In this last episode of the year, Nicosia Uncut producers Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli look back to 2023 with a critical eye. The year is ending with new developments, so they can't help but ask if there is light at the end of the tunnel for Cyprus.

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Facing Love in Cyprus – Episode 6: The need to control our lives (1/12/2023)

We have noticed how much we try to control our own lives, like an undeniable need for survival. In a cozy and candid conversation, we explore the roots of this need, seeking to understand why it arises and how it shapes our experiences. We share personal stories and insights, creating a safe space to explore the universal quest for control that we all grapple with. This conversation like all others is an invitation for you to reflect on our own life, maybe try to find where you feel this need to control either the external or internal world?  Tune…

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Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 4: Power woman Shemaine Bushnell Kyriakides – Chief Editor of Kathimerini English CY (Knews), former Hon. Con. of the Phillipines (1/12/2023)

In the fourth episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Shemaine Bushnell Kyriakides. She was born near Phoenix, Arizona, raised in the Phillipines and Los Angeles, California, and now calls Cyprus home with her daughter. She’s an editorial genius over at Kathimerini English Cyprus (Knews) and brings us the latest in news and views from across the island and the world. She’s as open minded as she’s a realist, having seen Cyprus change in the last near two decades she’s lived here. Shemaine has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of Cypriot residents and looks forward to the path ahead.

Continue ReadingTerra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 4: Power woman Shemaine Bushnell Kyriakides – Chief Editor of Kathimerini English CY (Knews), former Hon. Con. of the Phillipines (1/12/2023)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 11: Στο kaleidHERscope συζήτηση για ενδοοικογενειακή βία και την επιμέλεια παιδιών (26/11/2023)

Η Σουζάνα Παύλου, γενική διευθύντρια του Μεσογειακό Ινστιτούτο Μελετών Κοινωνικού Φύλου και η Άντρη Ανδρόνικου, η επιστημονική διευθύντρια του ΣΠΑΒΟ συζητούν στο kaleidHERscope για την τάση των οικογενειακών δικαστηρίων να απορρίπτουν το ιστορικό ενδοοικογενειακής βίας και κακοποίησης σε υποθέσεις επιμέλειας, και γιατί πρέπει και πως μπορεί να αλλάξει, ειδικά όταν μητέρες και/ή παιδιά έχουν διατυπώσει αξιόπιστους ισχυρισμούς για ενδοοικογενειακή κακοποίηση - με την ευγενική χορηγία της ΕΕ μέσω του προγράμματος WAVE Regranting 2023.

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KaleidHERscope – Episode 10: Lebogang Botlhoko, a women’s rights advocate from VOIS Cyprus (16/11/2023)

Lebogang Botlhoko, a women’s rights advocate, author and head of the gender issues committee of VOIS Cyprus (Voices of International Students in Cyprus) speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about VOIS and the challenges faced by international students studying at the universities in northern Cyprus, especially the women, about the ever rising gender based violence, about gender equality versus gender equity and about her mental health issues and how she deals with them.

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 50: Frozen! (14/11/2023)

Is Cyprus a "frozen" conflict? What are the risk of it getting melted? As the so called frozen and fluid conflicts turning into active conflicts everywhere in the world, shouldn't Cypriots be worried? What are the lessons the Cypriots and the international community take from the ongoing conflics in Ukraine, Nogorno Karabakh and Israel/Palestine? In this episode of Nicosia Uncut, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli discuss the lessons we should be getting from the latest crisis in Israel/Palestine; the failure of collective security mechanisms of international community and the erosion of international principles with the recent developments. What can…

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Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 3: I’m not ‘green’ with envy, she’s earned her stars, meet Efi Xanthou (6/11/2023)

In the third episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Efi Xanthou, candidate for the leadership of the Greens Party. She a witty, knowledgeable and dedicated woman with a cause. It’s not just about greening Cyprus, it’s about affordable housing, political transparency, social welfare, law and order. She packs a punch and is a force to be reckoned with, yet she’s full of love and excited about the potential of Cyprus’ future.

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