Sesta-embracing the colours of culture! In this thirteenth episode of Sesta, Meltem Burak hosts Dr. Nicolas Kyriakides, a lawyer, academic and lobbyist from Cyprus, who received the EU Citizen’s Prize in 2022. He is the founder of Oxygono and its projects Cyprus Forum and Nomoplatform. Throughout the podcast, Nicolas elaborates on his TEDx Limassol talk on democracy during which he argues that democracy remains the best political system we have and we cannot afford to lose it. He explains how modern democracy could be improved through inclusive policy-making processes, involving all citizens, and regulated lobbying. More about Nicolas on Twitter https://twitter.com/nickyriakides?lang=en – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nkyriakides/ . You can watch Nicolas` TEDx talk on democracy via the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6j4Uyksino
For more information on Oxygono, please visit: https://oxygono.org/en/
For more information on Cyprus Forum, please visit: https://cyprusforum.cy/
For more information on Nomoplatform (in Greek), please visit: https://www.nomoplatform.cy/