Nicosia Uncut – Episode 58: Cyprus problem in Geneva again: What should we expect? (22/2/2025)

In this episode of Nicosia Uncut, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli host Fiona Mullen, Director of Sapienta Economics. A 5 party conference on Cyprus is scheduled to take place on 17/18 March 2025 at the UN in Geneva. Apart from the two Cypriot sides, the Guarantor powers, Turkey, Greece and UK will be represented. What should we expect from this meeting? What are the local, regional and international dynamics leading to this meeting. What is UN's roadmap? What about the EU? How will the Greco-Turkish relaitons affect the talks? Is Cyprus political elite ready for a possible breakthrough?

Continue ReadingNicosia Uncut – Episode 58: Cyprus problem in Geneva again: What should we expect? (22/2/2025)

Figure It – Episode 17: Opening up Cyprob imaginations with an interspecies council (18/2/2025)

In this episode Sapienta Economics Director Fiona Mullen talks to Prof Amanda Perry-Kessaris of Law at Kent Law School to discuss a workshop last November with the Cyprus Peace and Dialogue Centre (CPDC). Funded by the Socio-Legal Studies Association the workshop ran a small test on two concepts: citizens’ assemblies and interspecies councils.

Continue ReadingFigure It – Episode 17: Opening up Cyprob imaginations with an interspecies council (18/2/2025)

Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 57: Deliler, zevzekler ve filmler (6/2/2025)

2025 yılının bu ilk Garip Zamanlar podcastında Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykallı ve Sertaç Sonan, Elon Musk'ın ABD ve dünya siyasetindeki artan etkisini, Trump'ın yeni planlarını, TikTok yasağını, David Lynch'in bu diyardan gitmesini, programa ABD Teksas'tan ısmarlanan kahveyi, Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık, Intermezzo, Twin Peaks, Nosferatu özelinde edebiyat ve sinemayı konuştular. 7 Ocak 2014 yılında Kıbrıs'ta yayın hayatına başlayan Garip Zamanlar bu yıl 11.yaşını kutluyor.

Continue ReadingGarip Zamanlar – Bölüm 57: Deliler, zevzekler ve filmler (6/2/2025)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 41: From IRA combatant to storyteller: Anne Walker speaks about the transformative power of storytelling (29/1/2025)

From IRA combatant to storyteller, Anne Walker speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about her journey and sharing her story for the first time, about helping others break free from a cycle of violence and hatred and about the transformative power of storytelling in its various forms.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 41: From IRA combatant to storyteller: Anne Walker speaks about the transformative power of storytelling (29/1/2025)

Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 26: The Fatherhood Diaries – the art of being dad. Meet George Iordanou (23/1/2025)

In the 26th episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet George Iordanou, a human rights activist and a political animal among other things - and he is behind the Fatherhood Diaries. He shares with the world stories of being a dad, anecdotal stories with his kids and what life is like as a father and as a husband. There’s no room for toxic masculinity in the family space! Check out to follow George!

Continue ReadingTerra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 26: The Fatherhood Diaries – the art of being dad. Meet George Iordanou (23/1/2025)

Nicosia Uncut – Episode 57: InPeace project elaborates on the bicommunal technical committees in Cyprus (20/1/2025)

In this first Nicosia Uncut episode of 2025, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli host Dr.Nasia Hadjigeorgiou and Fezile Osum to discuss the bicommunal technical committees that have been established within the framework of Cyprus problem. Both Fezile and Nasia are running the EU funded InPeace Project (Inclusive Peacebuilding: The Technical Committees in Cyprus ) that studies the technical committees. In 2008, six bicommunal Technical Committees were established by the Greek Cypriot (GC) and Turkish Cypriot (TC) community leaders to ‘address issues that affect the day-to-day life of people, through encouraging and facilitating greater interaction and understanding between the two communities’; …

Continue ReadingNicosia Uncut – Episode 57: InPeace project elaborates on the bicommunal technical committees in Cyprus (20/1/2025)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 40: Documentary maker & long-time traveller, Nafsika Hadjichristou on her love of photography & travelling (12/1/2025)

Documentary maker and long-time traveller, Nafsika Hadjichristou speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about her love of photography and of travelling, about the countries through which she has travelled, especially the 2 years she spent in Latin America and how photography and travelling ‘weave together’ her human rights activism. To find out more about Nafsika, follow her on

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 40: Documentary maker & long-time traveller, Nafsika Hadjichristou on her love of photography & travelling (12/1/2025)

Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 25: Expert business consultant, strategist and brand maker. Meet Raluca Ioana Man (11/1/2025)

In the 25th episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Raluca Ioana Man, an expert business consultant, strategist, and board advisor with a proven track record of driving growth and innovation. She is the founder of RSEVEN Ltd, a consultancy focused on delivering strategic, results-driven solutions that prioritize innovation, collaboration, and sustainable business success.

Continue ReadingTerra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 25: Expert business consultant, strategist and brand maker. Meet Raluca Ioana Man (11/1/2025)

Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 56: 2024’ün enleri: Teoman’dan Billie Eilish’e, seyahat, müzik, kitap, film & aşk dolu bir yıl böyle geçti! (30/12/2024)

Teoman'dan Billie Eilish'e, hayal kırıklıklarından, sevinçlere, seyahat, müzik, kitap, film ve aşk dolu bir yıl böyle geçti! Eric Clapton, Carla Bruni, Haruki Murakami, George Orwell, Derviş Zaim, Marquez, Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık, Anora, The Room Next Door, Trump, Milei, yapay zeka, fotoğraf, podcastlar, Arjantin, Danimarka, Japonya, Kore, Rüstem Kitabevi, Blackbird Social, Walls Inn ve daha niceleri. Garip Zamanlar'ın bu bölümünde Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykallı ve Sertaç Sonan farklı kategoriler altında 2024 yılını değerlendirdiler. Kitap, film, dizi, müzik, sürprizler, hayal kırıklıkları, yenilikler, mekanlar, seyahatler derken 2024'ün fotoğrafını çektiler. Bu arada bu bölümle birlikte bir yılda 12 bölüm hedefini de tutturdular!

Continue ReadingGarip Zamanlar – Bölüm 56: 2024’ün enleri: Teoman’dan Billie Eilish’e, seyahat, müzik, kitap, film & aşk dolu bir yıl böyle geçti! (30/12/2024)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 39: Anglo-Armenian film-maker & writer from Cyprus, Victoria Harwood Butler-Sloss on home, love & loss (25/12/2024)

Anglo Armenian film maker and writer from Cyprus, Victoria Harwood Butler-Sloss speaks on kaleidHERscope from Los Angeles about finalizing her latest novel Love in Aleppo, about home, about love and loss and about memories….. Find out more about Victoria and her work:

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 39: Anglo-Armenian film-maker & writer from Cyprus, Victoria Harwood Butler-Sloss on home, love & loss (25/12/2024)