Nicosia Uncut – Episode 59: Geneva done. What’s now for Cyprus and where is the EU in this? (25/3/2025)

On 17 and 18 March, the Cypriot leaders and the guarantor powers met with the UN Secretary General in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting was named as informal and nobody was sure what the expected outcome would be as the positions of the sides were clearly not bridgable. In the end, a number of confidence building measures were announced. Appointment of a new envoy was also agreed. In this episode of Nicosia Uncut, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli discuss the result of the informal meeting, the new format of the Cyprus talks, geopolitical setting, strained relations on both sides of the Atlantic, and what's next for Cyprus!

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Terra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 27: Oceanographer – physicist by heart, geophysical fluid dynamicist at heart: Meet Navid Constantinou (22/3/2025)

In the 27th episode of Terra Nullius Cyprus, meet Navid Constantinou, an oceanographer who has studied, lived and worked in Athens – Greece, San Diego – USA, New South Wales – Australia and is now a ‘new-ish’ member of the Cypriot diaspora in Victoria, Australia. He is a senior lecturer at the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Melbourne University and chief investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Weather of the 21st Century.

Continue ReadingTerra Nullius Cyprus – Episode 27: Oceanographer – physicist by heart, geophysical fluid dynamicist at heart: Meet Navid Constantinou (22/3/2025)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 44: Ioli Orphanides Eteocleous & Giota Doukanari of Birth Forward explain the ‘RESPECT – Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC)’ project (13/3/2025)

Ioli Orphanides Eteocleous & Giota Doukanari, both from Birth Forward, speak on kaleidHERscope about the ‘RESPECT – Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC)’ project. As the ‘RESPECT – Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC): Enhancing Provider-Client Shared Decision Making and Informed Choice’ project comes to an end, Ioli Orphanides Eteocleous Spokesperson of Birth Forward & Giota Doukanari, the Director of the Board of Birth Forward, speak to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about the outcomes of the project, about future plans but especially about the message that the journey of parenthood should be one made up…

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 44: Ioli Orphanides Eteocleous & Giota Doukanari of Birth Forward explain the ‘RESPECT – Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC)’ project (13/3/2025)

Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 58: Çorbaya övgü (12/3/2025)

Şubat ayının son günlerinde çekilen ama teknik aksaklıklar nedeniyle şimdi yayınlanan Garip Zamanlar'ın bu bölümünde, Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykallı ve Sertaç Sonan yaşadığımız çağın tuhaflıklarını konuştular. Evren Polonya, Sertaç da İstanbul seyahatlerini anlattı. Evren Polonya'daki best seller kitaplara ve yemeklere değindi. Sertaç Orta Avrupa'da yapılan çorbalara övgüler düzdü. Kemal, İstanbul ve Lefkoşa'daki meyhaneleri sorguladı. Dinleyicilerden gelen mesajlar okundu. Almanya seçimleri, AFD liderinin yaşam seçimleri, ABD'nin savruluşu, Elon Musk'ın kamu çalışanlarını sorguladığı e-postası ve bilimum tuhaflıklar bu bölümde masaya yatırıldı.

Continue ReadingGarip Zamanlar – Bölüm 58: Çorbaya övgü (12/3/2025)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 43: Irene Stephanou, a South African born Cypriot performer on her experience of growing up in the diaspora (9/3/2025)

Irene Stephanou, South African born Cypriot performer and educator, speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about bringing together her political consciousness and the experience of growing up in the South African Greek speaking community with her own unique blend of storytelling and about her challenges with Multiple Sclerosis, which she has had since she was a teenager.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 43: Irene Stephanou, a South African born Cypriot performer on her experience of growing up in the diaspora (9/3/2025)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 42: Dr. Smadar Ben-Natan discusses the intersection of international law & human rights in Israel/Palestine (22/2/2025)

Dr. Smadar Ben-Natan, an Israeli international lawyer/ academician speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about the intersection of international law and human rights in Israel/Palestine, about the Israeli military courts and incarceration, about the significance of International Law in today’s global context and about the Jewish Settlers and the definition of Apartheid and Zionism. Here are the links mentioned in the podcast posts by Dr. Smadar Ben-Natan on Apartheid:

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 42: Dr. Smadar Ben-Natan discusses the intersection of international law & human rights in Israel/Palestine (22/2/2025)

Nicosia Uncut – Episode 58: Cyprus problem in Geneva again: What should we expect? (22/2/2025)

In this episode of Nicosia Uncut, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli host Fiona Mullen, Director of Sapienta Economics. A 5 party conference on Cyprus is scheduled to take place on 17/18 March 2025 at the UN in Geneva. Apart from the two Cypriot sides, the Guarantor powers, Turkey, Greece and the UK will be represented. What should we expect from this meeting? What are the local, regional and international dynamics leading to this meeting. What is the UN's roadmap? What about the EU? How will the Greco-Turkish relations affect the talks? Is the Cypriot political elite ready for a…

Continue ReadingNicosia Uncut – Episode 58: Cyprus problem in Geneva again: What should we expect? (22/2/2025)

Figure It – Episode 17: Opening up Cyprob imaginations with an interspecies council (18/2/2025)

In this episode Sapienta Economics Director Fiona Mullen talks to Prof Amanda Perry-Kessaris of Law at Kent Law School to discuss a workshop last November with the Cyprus Peace and Dialogue Centre (CPDC). Funded by the Socio-Legal Studies Association the workshop ran a small test on two concepts: citizens’ assemblies and interspecies councils.

Continue ReadingFigure It – Episode 17: Opening up Cyprob imaginations with an interspecies council (18/2/2025)

Garip Zamanlar – Bölüm 57: Deliler, zevzekler ve filmler (6/2/2025)

2025 yılının bu ilk Garip Zamanlar podcastında Evren İnançoğlu, Kemal Baykallı ve Sertaç Sonan, Elon Musk'ın ABD ve dünya siyasetindeki artan etkisini, Trump'ın yeni planlarını, TikTok yasağını, David Lynch'in bu diyardan gitmesini, programa ABD Teksas'tan ısmarlanan kahveyi, Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık, Intermezzo, Twin Peaks, Nosferatu özelinde edebiyat ve sinemayı konuştular. 7 Ocak 2014 yılında Kıbrıs'ta yayın hayatına başlayan Garip Zamanlar bu yıl 11.yaşını kutluyor.

Continue ReadingGarip Zamanlar – Bölüm 57: Deliler, zevzekler ve filmler (6/2/2025)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 41: From IRA combatant to storyteller: Anne Walker speaks about the transformative power of storytelling (29/1/2025)

From IRA combatant to storyteller, Anne Walker speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about her journey and sharing her story for the first time, about helping others break free from a cycle of violence and hatred and about the transformative power of storytelling in its various forms.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 41: From IRA combatant to storyteller: Anne Walker speaks about the transformative power of storytelling (29/1/2025)