KaleidHERscope – Episode 17: Israeli peace activist Yael Treidel speaks about the political climate in Israel and the occupied territories now (6/2/2024)

Israeli peace activist Yael Treidel, who has worked with both Women Waging Peace (https://www.womenwagepeace.org.il/en/) and The Road to Recovery (https://www.allmep.org/allmep_member/road-to-recovery/) speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about the political climate in Israel and the occupied territories now, about how being a peace activist is not a choice but a way of life for her and about how despite the conflict in Israel, she tries to build peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians one person at a time.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 17: Israeli peace activist Yael Treidel speaks about the political climate in Israel and the occupied territories now (6/2/2024)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 16: Huda Abu Arqoob, an expert in MENA region speaks from Hebron,West Bank about the situation in Gaza & the West Bank (24/1/2024)

Huda Abu Arqoob, a strategic advisor for women participation in conflict zones & an independent consultant on Palestine/Israel Conflict speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope from her home in the West Bank about the situation in Gaza and the West Bank today, the mistakes made by both the Israelis and the Palestinians over the years, what the case brought before the ICJ by South Africa against Israel means for the Palestinians & where she feels the international community should be focusing.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 16: Huda Abu Arqoob, an expert in MENA region speaks from Hebron,West Bank about the situation in Gaza & the West Bank (24/1/2024)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 15: Actress, producer, writer Nedie Antoniades & her experience performing on stage & screen in CY, UK, US, Greece (17/1/2024)

Nedie Antoniades, actress, producer, and writer with over twenty years of experience performing on stage and screen in Cyprus, UK, US, and Greece, speaks on kaleidHERscope about the Cyprus-based theatre company ‘Project Season Women’ that she co-founded to give a platform to stories and artistic projects from a female perspective, about the experience of appearing on the big screen in ‘Smyrna My Love’, a Greek production and about the hit verbatim play she co-wrote and produced, ‘Women Walk Home’.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 15: Actress, producer, writer Nedie Antoniades & her experience performing on stage & screen in CY, UK, US, Greece (17/1/2024)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 14: Elisabeth Nauclér of the NWMN from the autonomous region of Åland discusses its unique status & minority-majority relations (5/1/2024)

Elisabeth Nauclér, a member of the Nordic Women Mediators Network from the autonomous region of Åland speaks to kaleidHERscope about the unique status of the region of Åland, about minority-majority relations from a legal and political point of view, about the meaning of the word autonomy in different contexts and about her experience having served as a legal officer with the UN in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990’s and being included in the consultations in the period leading up to Cyprus’s accession to the EU.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 14: Elisabeth Nauclér of the NWMN from the autonomous region of Åland discusses its unique status & minority-majority relations (5/1/2024)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 13: Director, festival organizer Petra Terzi – Arts is a key communication channel for promoting culture (26/12/2023)

Events/ festival organiser in Greece and Cyprus, Petra Terzi, speaks on kaleidHERscope about how in 2016 she had a career change, how she views the arts as a key communication channel for promoting culture, about the award-winning documentaries she has directed including ‘She Should Run –Cyprus’, scripts that are under development and the documentary she hopes to do about inspirational women within the Turkish Cypriot community. Follow Petra Terzi at https://www.petraterzi.org/en/

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 13: Director, festival organizer Petra Terzi – Arts is a key communication channel for promoting culture (26/12/2023)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 12: 16 days of activism against gender-based violence – Mine Atlı & Susana Pavlou (10/12/2023)

Within the context of the 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, kaleidHERscope speaks with Susana Pavlou, Director of MIGS and Mine Atli, Project Coordinator at KAYAD about the link between custody cases, violence against women and violence against children and about raising awareness about the red flags of abusive relationships - kindly sponsored by the EU through the WAVE Regranting 2023 programme.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 12: 16 days of activism against gender-based violence – Mine Atlı & Susana Pavlou (10/12/2023)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 11: Στο kaleidHERscope συζήτηση για ενδοοικογενειακή βία και την επιμέλεια παιδιών (26/11/2023)

Η Σουζάνα Παύλου, γενική διευθύντρια του Μεσογειακό Ινστιτούτο Μελετών Κοινωνικού Φύλου και η Άντρη Ανδρόνικου, η επιστημονική διευθύντρια του ΣΠΑΒΟ συζητούν στο kaleidHERscope για την τάση των οικογενειακών δικαστηρίων να απορρίπτουν το ιστορικό ενδοοικογενειακής βίας και κακοποίησης σε υποθέσεις επιμέλειας, και γιατί πρέπει και πως μπορεί να αλλάξει, ειδικά όταν μητέρες και/ή παιδιά έχουν διατυπώσει αξιόπιστους ισχυρισμούς για ενδοοικογενειακή κακοποίηση - με την ευγενική χορηγία της ΕΕ μέσω του προγράμματος WAVE Regranting 2023.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 11: Στο kaleidHERscope συζήτηση για ενδοοικογενειακή βία και την επιμέλεια παιδιών (26/11/2023)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 10: Lebogang Botlhoko, a women’s rights advocate from VOIS Cyprus (16/11/2023)

Lebogang Botlhoko, a women’s rights advocate, author and head of the gender issues committee of VOIS Cyprus (Voices of International Students in Cyprus) speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about VOIS and the challenges faced by international students studying at the universities in northern Cyprus, especially the women, about the ever rising gender based violence, about gender equality versus gender equity and about her mental health issues and how she deals with them.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 10: Lebogang Botlhoko, a women’s rights advocate from VOIS Cyprus (16/11/2023)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 9: Elizabeth Villiger Toufexis, a podcaster, tour guide, interpreter, mother and much more (2/11/2023)

Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis, a fellow podcast host, tour guide, interpreter, mother, and much much more speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope about her formative years, her passion for traveling, her book, her podcast, about kindness and her love for her family. KaleidHERscope – a podcast with women from around the global talking openly and authentically about a kaleidoscope of topics, including politics, gender-based violence, peacebuilding, migration and theatre, hosted by peace and women’s rights activist Magda Zenon.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 9: Elizabeth Villiger Toufexis, a podcaster, tour guide, interpreter, mother and much more (2/11/2023)

KaleidHERscope – Episode 8: Seagull Shahbazi, founder of the ‘Women of Cyprus’ discuss #WomenLifeFreedom revolution (16/10/2023)

Seagull Shahbazi, women’s rights activist and founder of the ‘Women of Cyprus’ initiative speaks to Magda Zenon on kaleidHERscope after the first anniversary of the #WomenLifeFreedom revolution following the murder of Mahsa Amini, about why this fight is so important and that it is about more than just the hijab, what’s happening in Iran now and what she hopes will happen going forward.

Continue ReadingKaleidHERscope – Episode 8: Seagull Shahbazi, founder of the ‘Women of Cyprus’ discuss #WomenLifeFreedom revolution (16/10/2023)