Nicosia Uncut – Episode 30: More elections, more tensions (14/10/2021)

Summer is over and all sides are now focused on upcoming elections on both parts of the divide in Cyprus and in Turkey. Turkish Cypriot minority coalition finally collapsed the day after this episode was recorded. Both Turkey and the Republic of Cyprus have presidential elections in 2023 and the tension around the waters of Cyprus is likely to rise again. Turkey put its diplomatic skills at test on multiple fronts but the prospects for Turkish-American and Turkish-Russian relations do not look very promising. In the meantime, both communities are feeling the economic effects of the pandemic, Turkish Cypriots…

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 29: Back to the 1960 constitutional order? Really? (2/9/2021)

Anastasiades invited the Turkish Cypriots back to the 1960 constitutional order as a response to Tatar's statements in a never-ending tit-for-tat blame game. This caught everybody by surprise, including his own cabinet members. In this episode of Nicosia Uncut, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykallı discuss the latest in Cyprus politics with a particular focus on the upcoming elections on both sides of the divide.

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Figure It – Episode 6: Halloumi/Hellim and the Green Line Regulation (20/5/2021)

In this sixth episode of Figure It, Sapienta Economics Director Fiona Mullen discusses the famous squeaky cheese of Cyprus, known as hellim in Turkish and halloumi in Greek, with the former president of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce and current MP with the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Fikri Toros. In April of this year the European Commission “registered Χαλλούμι/Halloumi/Hellim as a protected designation of origin (PDO)”. This means that only hellim/halloumi produced in Cyprus “according to the product specification” may now use the registered name. We also discuss the obstacles put in the way of the Green Line regulation (European Council Regulation 866/2004) and how these longstanding issues prevent intra-island trade form reaching its full potential.

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 21: Special guest – Dr.Sertaç Sonan on their survey on political culture in northern Cyprus (6/4/2021)

Today's episode is special as Nicosia Uncut produers Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykallı are hosting Dr. Sertaç Sonan, one of the academics behind a survey titled: “Politics and Society in North Cyprus” and published by Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The report focused on the differences and similarities between native Turkish Cypriots and Turkish immigrants who came to the island after 1974, on issues such as identity perception, attitudes towards religion, democratic values, relations with Turkey and the Cyprus problem. Particularly the findings on tendencies towards a federal solution, unitary state and annexation sparked a wide range of reactions in both…

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 20: EU Council conclusions, US-TR relations, carrots & sticks (27/3/2021)

Podcasting from both sides of the divide in Nicosia-Cyprus, Andromachi Sophocleous & Kemal Baykallı are producing the popular politics podcast - Nicosia Uncut. In this episode, they discuss the conclusions of the latest EU Council meeting and provide a background in the global and regional politics. While the new US Administration is trying to restore the American foreign policy around containing Russia, Turkish-American relations are likely to face various tests including the one in the East Med. Europeans are still lacking a coherent and unified foreign policy, a gap that might be filled by post-Trump USA. Cyprus, however, is still a chip in the bigger game. As the date for the informal 5+1 summit on Cyprus is fast approaching, Nicosia Uncut producers discuss various scenarios for the meeting that will take place between 27-29 April in Geneva.

Continue ReadingNicosia Uncut – Episode 20: EU Council conclusions, US-TR relations, carrots & sticks (27/3/2021)

Buffering – Episode 10: This is it. We solved it. (12/2/2021)

Buffering hosts are coming up with some creative ideas on how to solve the Cyprus problem. One idea has something to do with the famous Buffer Zone of Cyprus - no wonder the podcast is called "buffering" Buffering podcast is brought to you by Yiorgos Kakouris and Esra Aygın, two Cypriot journalists who live and work in Brussels and Lisbon respectively.

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Nicosia Uncut – Episode 17: Fed up with the CYprob yet? (12/1/2021)

The first episode of 2021. Andromachi Sophocleous & Kemal Baykallı talk about their favorite topic: The Cyprus problem!.What is the UN's strategy to revitalize the solution process? What should we expect from the informal 5+1 conference which is expected to take place soon? How should we read the latest Cyprus report of the UN Secretary General to the UN Security Council? Which are the elephants in the room? Will Turkey's new foreign policy attempts work? Latest statements from Greek Cypriot politicians, party feuds in the Turkish Cypriot politics. All in this episode of Nicosia Uncut.

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Buffering – Episode 8: Dream Team vs Golden Team (21/12/2020)

Was it really the worst year ever? Is there room for some optimism in the Cyprus problem? Whose cabinet is better? Which one is your favorite team? Dream team vs golden team. Cypriot journalists, Yiorgos Kakouris and Esra Aygin, reporting from Brussels and Lisbon respectively, are bringing you dispatches from the alternate Cypriot universe. And each episode is getting better than the previous one. By the way, do not forget to cover your f***ing nose - there is Covid for f*** sake!

Continue ReadingBuffering – Episode 8: Dream Team vs Golden Team (21/12/2020)

Nicosia Uncut – Episode 15: Conservative agendas on both sides of the divide…and abroad (19/12/2020)

Governing party right-wing DISY flirts with ultra right ELAM but the budget was rejected in the parliament. A fragile minority coalition on the other side of the divide. Turkey and Turkish Cypriots are now back to singing the old two-state solution tune, while UN official Lute is visiting capitals for a possible informal five-party conference. 2020 is almost over and this episode does not portray a rosy picture. #Cyprus

Continue ReadingNicosia Uncut – Episode 15: Conservative agendas on both sides of the divide…and abroad (19/12/2020)