In this 11th episode of Figure It and the second in a series of episodes devoted to energy, Sapienta Economics Director Fiona Mullen talks to Ahmet Sözen, a Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and a veritable ‘ideas factory’ when it comes to new approaches to the Cyprus problem. Prof Sözen is also part of the Eastern Mediterranean Initiative of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and has recently produced papers with Diplomeds on Eastern Mediterranean energy issues. In this episode we discuss the proposals put forward in these papers, such “engagement without recognition” and why it is in the EU’s broader security interests to get involved in East Med energy issues. You can find the paper containing the Cyprus chapter here and other publications on the diplomeds.org website. For Ahmet Sözen’s latest op-ed with Laury Haytayan on energy and Cyprus issue, “Powering Peace”, click here.