In this first Nicosia Uncut episode of 2025, Andromachi Sophocleous and Kemal Baykalli host Dr.Nasia Hadjigeorgiou and Fezile Osum to discuss the bicommunal technical committees that have been established within the framework of Cyprus problem. Both Fezile and Nasia are running the EU funded InPeace Project (Inclusive Peacebuilding: The Technical Committees in Cyprus ) that studies the technical committees.
In 2008, six bicommunal Technical Committees were established by the Greek Cypriot (GC) and Turkish Cypriot (TC) community leaders to ‘address issues that affect the day-to-day life of people, through encouraging and facilitating greater interaction and understanding between the two communities’; since then, six more Technical Committees have been added to the list. There are currently 12 bicommunal Technical Committees, which are unique mechanisms run under UN auspices, operated by Greek and Turkish Cypriots, to address the shared challenges and aims for Cyprus.
For more information on the project: https://insanhaklariplatformu.eu/detail/inpeace-project/190