Sesta-embracing the colours of culture! In this seventh episode of Sesta, Meltem Burak hosts author Alexis Hercules. Throughout the podcast, Alexis elaborates on his short story Walk which was published in March 2022 by Arts Against Extremism, a new literary journal dedicated to investigating, understanding and countering extremism. Walk is a sensual short story situated at the heart of nature and war in 1974 Cyprus. Alexis talks about the relationship between Walk`s genesis and his life experiences; his writing style; the idea of 1974 in contemporary Cypriot literature; and his upcoming debut novel Patéras. Alexis shares a small section from Patéras. The novel is about the social perception of women, patriarchy and domestic violence. This seventh episode is the continuation of Sesta Pride Special series celebrating June, the International Pride Month. More about Arts Against Extremism on https://www.artsagainstextremism.org/